Soledad habla por teléfono...le encanta hablar con él suave le trae recuerdos de un pasado que conoció muy bien
. Se verán a la noche irán a tomar un café, y mientras ella se prepara suena el teléfono otra vez... Es Marco que la llama y le pregunta que va hacer y ella le contesta- hoy no puedo- pero quizás mañana te pueda ver...
Y se encuentran a las cinco, se besan cuando se ven...él la mira enamorado y ella, siente algo también. Deciden subirse al auto donde maneja -El-y comienzan a besarse dentro del auto también.
Ese día lo terminan haciendo el amor al revés y aquí termina la historia de la loca Sol, y de El.
Y se encuentran a las cinco, se besan cuando se ven...él la mira enamorado y ella, siente algo también. Deciden subirse al auto donde maneja -El-y comienzan a besarse dentro del auto también.
Ese día lo terminan haciendo el amor al revés y aquí termina la historia de la loca Sol, y de El.
En el teléfono ella estaba distinta, una nueva nota de alegria resonaba en su voz, como si de pronto un nuevo mundo de ilusiones se ofreciera a sus ojos...pensó que estaba equivocado como tantas otras veces.
Cuando llegó a buscarla, pudo ver que sus ojos y su risa mostraban una chispa nueva, al besarla, su cuerpo -pegado al de el- le hizo mil promesas de sueños enloquecedores.
Fué en ese momento que se dió cuenta que hoy también ella se la estaba jugando, y apostando por El !
Mientras feliz la besaba nuevamente, el Destino sonreia a dos seres que finalmente se encontraron para seguir juntos su camino hasta el final.
Solidad was for Marco the angel sent from heaven to aid the rest of his journey. The passion and the quick changing ideas were something new for Marco to live. She was both playful and hurtful to him in their time together. His heart was hers at the start and he lived in that comfort every day. Then a deep sadness came into his life soon after they met. She watched as the life was being sucked out of his body right in front of her and she could not watch his pain, and was unable to find a way help that was familiar and easy to her. She felt helpless and afraid….two feeling she hated and did not want to deal with.
She loved Marco too, but teased him with words as he asked her not to say those words to him.“I love from your lips all the way into your heart, but I don’t use the words because they mean nada after hearing it from others for much lesser feelings….so for our feelings we need a new word” She knew she loved this man at that moment, his big warm smile his large frame and most of all his mouth. Only once before had she wanted to do so much or be so much with a man. The intensity of her feelings were felt by those close to her…a shift in her energy had happened and everyone that knew her spoke to her of their sad adventures with love, and some she spoke to even knew Marco. They all had opinions, some said “go make your heart happy”, but allot said live in the past, remember well the things that have passed you and life in memory of all of those wonderful things.
At points along the way their fear and pain collided. They hurt each other with words and actions, and there was mutual confusion of how the path to their future would start.
She ran to the comfort of her past and what was familiar trying to blot out his touch, taste and feel….the soft words of a stranger even gave her comfort for awhile, but could not replace the feelings in her for Marco. In her dreams she heard the soft words of love coming from the mouth of her beloved, but when the sun arose and made the shadows disappear, she looked into the face of her past and she cried. “I cannot live for the past anymore, it is for me to learn a new way”
So even as Solidad ran away from Marco, she actually ran into his love.
And when his phone call came, and she hears his voice and listens to his heart, she was very happy then!!
Together they will walk toward the future. Her fears are still there, but she is finding the strength to finally look in the mirror of her soul which is Marco....and begin to heal!
You are crazy Marco....
Raymond you are out
He died laughing before he could tell anybody.
Compliment her,
cuddle her,
kiss her,
caress her,
love her,
stroke her,
tease her,
comfort her,
protect her,
hug her,
hold her,
spend money on her,
wine & dine her,
buy things for her,
listen to her,
care for her,
stand by her,
support her,
go to the ends of the earth for her....
Show up naked
Why naked ?
Just a woman showing up is more than enough to impress a guy !
way pleases. This is a story.....not reality! If you don't enjoy the story or ending, write your own like others have done! I would love to see how you see the story of Marco and Solidad end!
Soledad siente un amor increible por Marco, lo unico que ella piensa es en hacer el amor con el... pero Marco la deja por otra mujer