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Alguien hoy me dijo....

My need for adventure and passion

For outweigh my need for security...

¿Qué opinan?... Me pareció un comentario bueno, que vino

de una mujer moderna, perdonen que no traduzca las

palabras, pero es tan bonito que me dió pena....


Anonymous said…
Pienso que las palabras indican poder. El poder de la mujer actual ante el sexo y el trabajo
Anonymous said…
La necesidad de aventura y pasion es mas importante que la seguridad de un matrimonio....Por favor es una mujer de hoy está loca...
Anonymous said…
Estoy de acuerdo No nos interesa depender de alguien, trabajamos y queremos a los hombres para lo mismo que nos quieren a nosotras. EL SEXO.
Anonymous said…
What do you want in life? You can have safety, and you can have passion. I think you only miss one, when you have too much of the other. I think we need safety AND passion together to have a fantastic relationship......if that is what one is looking for!

Just enjoy your life....regret not one thing you do!
Yessi said…
Lindas palabras, pero lo más importante de ellas es lo que tu pienses y sientas; en lo personal me apasiono y me aventuro todos los días al lado del hombre que amo y que no lo veo como una persona de quien dependa sino con quien comparto y construyo algo hermoso día con día.

Un inmenso abrazo para ti.
Anonymous said…
I just left my relationship of 4 years with a great girl, we'll call her "Jen." She is responsible, caring, kind, ambitious and very good looking. I knew she was probably the best thing that ever happened to me but one thing I felt was lacking and that was passion. I left this girl to pursue a relationship with a married woman, we'll call her "Sue." Sue and I had carried on a flirting friendship for the past year which got increasingly intense as time wore on. I was extremely attracted to Sue and she to me and while we had always joked about the idea of leaving our significant others to be together we never did. Well, we finally did and at the start I truly thought it was something I wanted. I thought I was in love. The intense passion that I felt for Sue was something that as I previously mentioned was lacking in my relationship with Jen. As time has gone by (two months) I have noticed other qualities in Sue that I am not so fond of like that she is very self absorbed, she is an attention seeker and thrives on this attention and this makes me feel very insecure. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes things are great but I find myself continuously noticing all the great qualities that Jen (my ex) had and Sue doesn't, its almost like I am looking for reasons to back out. With Jen, I always felt very safe and that we had a partnership, with Sue I feel like it is a power struggle as to whom has the upper hand. I left Jen in the first place because I thought the passion I felt for Sue must mean that I have fallen in love with her and fallen out of love with Jen. Now I'm not so sure. Every time I think or talk about Jen I get all choked up. I care so deeply about her and feel like an absolute heel for the pain I have caused her. I cannot express in words how much I care for her safety and well being. So much so that I find I constantly have my guard up when I am with Sue and am unable to let myself go emotionally into our relationship. While I still feel an intense passion with Sue I feel our relationship lacks the emotional stability that I had with Jen. We tend to argue and bicker about stupid little things and while she has claimed to have always been a jealous person, I feel I am becoming one as well. However, part of me feels like I have not given Sue a proper chance and that I am being unfairly critical. I feel like I love each of these girls in their individual ways and for different reasons, but am I still in love with Jen and this is the reason that I cannot let I in love with Sue and I am just afraid of being hurt which is why I cannot let myself go 100% emotionally into our new relationship as challenging as it may be?
I would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have if that would help in your analysis.
Thank you, and I look forward to your response.
Anonymous said…
Eryc esto es un blog no un confesionario. Pero quizas alguno quiera contesarte.
Anonymous said…
Good writing...keep it up
animal storm said…
Aventura + pasión = tormenta de verano sobre una isla del caribe.
Pero con un final feliz, sin escombros, inundados de sudor bajo una avalancha de sentimientos, con los poros penetrados por los relieves de dos cuerpos que se chocan.
Alicia said…
yo creo que se sentía libre...
Cromatica said…
Es un buen comentario, con el que debemos a veces darle cabida a un pensamiento de este tipo, no hacerlo nuestro Norte porque podemos perder la frontera...

De eso se trata la aventura...pasion...y bueno arriesgarse!

solo que en esta epoca el riesgo es mas grande...
Asilo en el Mar said…
Saludos Mucha! me encanto tu página.

Abrazos miles!
Anonymous said…
Just checking your blog and I HAVE to respond to Eric.

1) What were you thinking? If Sue was a flirt with you when she was married, what made you think that she would be different when she got with you?

2) If your still trying to decide WHO you care more don't LOVE either of them. Love does NOT leave you a decision

Thanks for giving me a forum to talk!
animal storm said…
Cuando el riesgo es grande mayor es la recompensa, y si al final está el amor..."todo" vale la pena.
Aunque pretendas esconder la rosa, sus pétalos te delatan, y tu perfume te anuncia.
Jorge said…
hola gracias por pasar por mi blog con respecto a la frase es algo en que nuestra vida tomase parte importante de esas palbras algo muy importante para llegar a donde queramos
Fausto Vargas said…
esta necesidad llega por que llega
Anonymous said…
Cuantos bloguers que bueno, son gente muy joven y me gusta leerlos
Anonymous said…
Yo tambien prefiero a los bloguers que a LOLA y a los demás locos
Churra said…
Oye , pues a mi me parece una reflexión dificil de comentar .
Aventura y pasión , si es lo que necesito
¿Seguridad?.¿De que tipo de seguridad hablamos ?

Voy a pensarlo mas despacio.

Un beso
Sole Vargas said…
Gracias por tu visita, respecto de estas palabras, me vino a la mente los dichos de la Yourcernar sobre la pasión, que viene de padecer a otro, con todo lo bueno y lo malo que esto pueda implicar. Lógicamente que no es lo mismo que el amor ¿y qué es el amor? Estoy buscando más definiciones,
Saludosss desde Viña del Mar
Anonymous said…
If after two months into a relationship you are second guessing your feelings with "Sue" I would say that you are not in love with her,all that was there at the beginning was just lust.
Now,you left "Jen" after a relationship of four years for a married woman, -not likely she will take you back anytime soon- so your choices are very limited.
If you are really sure you love Sue,go for it.Other than that let them go and try to find your true love.
Mariela said…
Mmmmm creo que muchas mujeres buscan compensar su necesidad de seguridad con otras cosas... Es un mal de las mujeres de hoy.
Anonymous said…
Me alegra mucho haber descubierto tu espacio del que seré viajero frecuente, sin duda.


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