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Ruth escribió....tener un orgasmo bueno es...

Ruth la autora del artículo es oriunda de Brasil. Pequeña e inquieta tiene una personalidad que llama la atención por su calidez y simpatía. Bueno no les doy más lata los dejo con el artículo y que lo disfruten ....

It is the same way as having a better haircut,body, lose weight, etc. By reading, researching and trying different things. It is always hard to have an orgasm with a new partner because, we women tend to worry too much about the other person, worried about the way we look, what he is going to think. Is he going to think that I am hot enough, caring enough,too slow, too fast and on and on. By the time we go thru all these thoughts the guy is finished, we are frustated and usually blame him for not getting ussatisfied. It took me a while to tell my partner how the position that it made easier to have an orgasm,what I needed from him, where to touch me, what to say to me, etc. Even though he kept asking me I felt it was my fault that he needed to do all these things so I could have an orgasm. Anyway, now that it is out in the open, I have orgasm and each day they are more intense and better.So, I believe that it is our job to find what makes us tick and make sure to communicate to our partner. That is why we say partner because it is a joint effort but communication is a very important factor on all of this.
Ruth( from Brasil)


Anonymous said…
Si bien yo he tenido orgasmos bucales nunca pude tenerlos regularmente y me gustaria saber si alguien puede aconsejarme quizás Ruth
Anonymous said…
Primero que tienes que saber es que las mujerres tardan el doble o mas en alcanzar el orgasmo que nosotros, honestamente el hombre puede simplemente llegar directo al "asunto" y ya, la mujer necesita un "previo" me explico? necesita caricias, besos, estímulos pero aquí viene el problema: lo tiénes que hablar con tu pareja, decirle y proponerle lo que necesitas. Cuando dije problema es por que existimos hombres que no lo entendemos y algunos pueden llegar a malinterpretar "que quieres que? por qué, dónde lo aprendiste?" pero tambie´n habemos los no brutos y lo entendemos, espero que tengas un ser pensante y no un idiota. Y ojala puedas lograr un orgasmo.
Anonymous said…
Según Masters y Johnson, es un breve episodio de liberación física del aumento previo de la tensión muscular, de la congestión sanguínea pélvica y de la sensación corporal de excitación, y la percepción subjetiva de este clímax. Esta liberación energética se evidencia por descargas musculares rítmicas a nivel genital; aunque también comprometen el resto del cuerpo. Estas contracciones son sumamente placenteras para ambos sexos y producen una sensación de alivio y relajación. Después de ellas al hombre y a la mujer los invade una sensación de placidez, bienestar y afecto mutuo.Es importante por supuesto, y el artículo de Ruth es bueno porque se abre a lo sdemás. Gracias por publicarlo, y me parece bueno que los anónimos pasen a la página central del solo son respuestas sino nosotros también queremos ser oídos
Anonymous said…
Buena foto , el artículo interesante. Espero que los hombres también opinen
Anonymous said…
Es un artículo difícil de hablar. Prefiero escuchar, leer lo que otras mujeres cuentan. Me gusta el blog porque podemos estar en la página principal, porque tu no eres la figura principal porque también es un poco nuestro, de las más tímidas, de las que estamos detrás de todo.
Anonymous said…
Tener un buen orgasmo depende del hombre que te encandile. Como ves Mucha estoy empezando a usar tu vocabulario. Te leo desde mayo.
Anonymous said…
Es una sensación de plenitud, de confundirse con el otro y transformarse en uno solo, y no querer que ese momento termine sino que continúe para poder seguir gozando esas sensaciones, tan placenteras.

Me llamo Luis y si bien el artículo es para mujeres yo contesto
Anonymous said…
No existe el orgasmo femenino sin la intervención del clítoris. Inclusive aquellas mujeres que dicen que sólo logran el orgasmo con la penetración, es mentira. Soy médica y se lo puedo asegurar. Por lo tanto el orgasmo es clítoris y mental.
Anonymous said…
Muy interesante. Yo no tengo pareja y soy muy extraño a los hombres , me las arreglo, y mi parte espiritual está perfecta porque NADIE trae desequilibrio a mi mente.
Anonymous said…
Don’t focus too hard on it. When your mind becomes fixated on the goal of achieving orgasm, your chances of actually reaching this peak diminish significantly. Sex is a wonderful activity that you should enjoy free of inhibitions and nagging thoughts. Instead, focus on your partner and how his/her body connects with your own. You want your mind to become attuned to the sensations and movements of your bodies. Your goal is to react instinctively and not plan anything. Stay in this state of action and reaction and revel in the feeling of two bodies moving in unison. The more you are able to let go and simply enjoy the act, the better the sex will be.
Anonymous said…
Sex is supposed to be fun. If you find you are not having fun and are constantly worried about whether or not you will achieve orgasm, you are quite simply going about things in the wrong way. Let your thoughts go, take more time, and focus on the wonderful feeling between the two of you.
Anonymous said…
Macho cubano eres Doctor Ruth...y no sabíamos que escribías tan bien en inglés. Y felicitaciones a todos los hombres que comparten este blog. Gracias Ruth por tu escrito
Anonymous said…
Si quieres conseguir un orgasmo, haz todo lo que haces cuando lo sientes de verdad, acelera la respiración, jadea, gime y mueve las caderas, puede que de este modo distraigas a tu cerebro racional y eso permita que el emocional se relaje y provoque el orgasmo, que siempre es involuntario.Este es mi consejo para las que no lo puedesn tener.
Anonymous said…
Si las mujeres que fingen el orgasmo hablaran con sinceridad, todos esos hombres que contestan en las encuestas que sus parejas siempre alcanzan el orgasmo durante la penetración se llevarían una gran sorpresa y uno de los grandes mitos de las relaciones sexuales caería, porque sólo un 3% de la población femenina tiene un orgasmo durante la penetración sin usar ningún tipo de estimulación clitoridiana. En recientes estudios sobre sexualidad, las parejas que calificaban su vida sexual de «muy feliz» solían hablar entre sí de sus deseos y necesidades sexuales. Fingir el orgasmo no es necesario si puedes reconocer que no lo has tenido sin que tu pareja se deprima. Muchachos del blog no se depriman pero muchas los han engañado para dejarlos felices...ASI SOMOS LAS MUJERES....
Anonymous said…
yo fingi durante 5 años, con mucho valor consegui decírselo pero me ha costado un disgusto con el, aunque yo me siento mejor..llevamos 3 dias sin vernos, hablamos por teléfono para saber como estamos cada uno, el necesita tiempo aunque quiere estar conmigo.
he herido su orgullo,su confianza y su corazón
Anonymous said…
El amor y el orgasmo son dos cosas diferentes. Estoy de acuerdo con Ruth pero las mujeres somos muy inseguras de nosotras mismas por lo tanto muchas veces no tenemos orgasmos y los finjimos.
Anonymous said…
Buen artículo Ruth...espero que sigas posteando
Anonymous said…
Tease yourself. When you hit a plateau of sexual tension, back away from it, breathe deeply, then start again. The sexual energy can build in cycles, each more intense than the last. Take your time and remember to keep breathing. Consistent, deep breathing helps with relaxation—holding your breath can forestall coming.
Anonymous said…
Multi-Orgasmic Couple
by Mantak Chia & Maneewan Chia, Douglas Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD
The authors of the best selling Mult-Orgasmic Man are joined by their partners for this excellent, in depth, heterosexual couples guide to enhancing sex. Using both eastern and western techniques they offer tried and tested tips for expanding sensuality and sexual connection as well as techniques for expanding orgasmic response for both women and men. One of the better-written and most detailed sex guides for couples currently available.
Cómprenlo vale la pena...
Anonymous said…
You have orgasms, you’ve probably noticed different kinds. Sometimes they feel like a roar of sexual energy, sometimes like a ripple of satisfaction. G-spot orgasms are like another instrument in the big band of sexual response. There's no one perfect G-spot orgasm technique.

Women describe their G-spot orgasms as deep, whole-body experiences. They can last longer and can be made up of more and longer contractions than other types of orgasm. Many women say their G-spot orgasms come after a number of little orgasms, when they are as turned on as they can get. Sometimes women discover this by surprise, when they happen to devote a little more time to sex. Some say G-spot orgasms are the most powerful they’ve ever had, and experience them as rolling waves of total sexual release.
Anonymous said…
Discovering my girlfriend's G-Spot was one of the most fun things I have done in the bedroom. She is extremely responsive to my touch and she went wild when I found her G-spot. She said she didn't know what I was doing to her but it felt so good. She really moaned and let herself go from there. She had already been a regular squirter (female ejaculator) with male partners but had probably never had real focused and concentrated G-Spot stimulation. Since then I have found that two fingers stroking her G-spot is a great addition to our sex life. Then I can stroke it with one or both fingers, apply pressure, or even put one finger on either side of the G-spot hump and pull it back and forth from side to side. It is a really fun place to play on her body. I love it and so does she.

Recently I discovered that I can milk her G-spot and the area just behind it. I literally was able to squeeze and pull the juices out of her. It was so amazing and she thought it was amazing and was writhing all over the place. I think I got every drop of come out of her and she came really hard. It was fabulous. I thought I was drowning. Go G-Spot...
Anonymous said…
Gee, I am not that old yet, but it's ok when you are 57, sometimes I lose my breath (asthma), but hey, if it takes your breath away, then you must be doing something right, eh? - but if it's tender and loving, then I would suppose it could be very satisfying and good. Is the couple using any additives like viagra or levitra or penile implants, because if the man might have any performace problems, these items are made for a reason! Sometimes it's not all about sex in itself, but the intimacy of closeness and cuddling and being close to someone that you have real feelings and love for. I have known plenty of sexy seniors, and I do not know all of the intimate details, but they do not mind showing the world their devotion, by holding hands and smiling and even stealing a smooch once in awhile. I think it could be as good (maybe better) than sex when you are in your 20s, you get a lot of sex in your 20s (not so much in your 50s) so maybe the idea is to go for quality experiences rather than quantities of experiences.

Ok now I am going to make a broad generalization that may not be completely true in ALL cases, but in my opinion: Older men tend to try to do more romantic things than younger ones, they are not afraid to scatter some rose petals or light some scented candles and set the scene if they are hot...and no, he may not look like a movie star when the robes are dropped but then again the woman at 55 plus... isn't usually as hot as she once was, but if you are talking about feelings that two people have for each other I think the biology is still the same. Good for them! If there are medical problems for either of them, then they should see a doctor cause at 55 if you desire sex, and your partner does too, I say GO For it.
Anonymous said…
I'm 65 and still loveing it
Anonymous said…
Nunca está todo escrito en materia de sexualidad, por lo que es importante que la pareja esté dispuesta a experimentar y a probar nuevos caminos para enriquecer así, su relación y su vida sexual.
Anonymous said…
Tengo 20 de edad, hoy mi primera vez, el mucho mayor que yo y no se si esto fue orgasmo, pero jamas he experimentado tanta ternura, me senti como la unica mujer del mundo, y creo que sera inolvidable, ahora siento que lo amo mas.
Anonymous said…
Una mujer es fabuslosa y mas cuando tenemos un orgasmo, es un sentimiento unico, se siente como un descanso un plaser cuando sientes esos labios y esa lengua en esa parte. Te hace olvidarte de todos esos problemas tan solo un momento. Pero es tan rico que tu no quieres que termine. Y cuando es el tiempo de tu pareja, el solo dura 3 o 5 minutos y ya acabo. Caramba como puede ser posible que los hombres no sepan disfrutar algo tan fascinante como el ORGASMO. Ellos solo meten sacan y se mueren. No lo comprendo.

Bueno pero con que me hagan y buen trabajo y yo quede satisfecha con mi SUPPERDUPPER ORGASMO no me preocupo mas por ellos.
Anonymous said…
I´m a woman of 65yrs old...when I was younger, everything was fine, but now, I cannot reach an orgasm, no matter what...My question:
Is there something to apply, like an ointment or a medicine to take or even an inyection, to reach an orgasm with my boyfriend?

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